Cats are given twice a day playtime, brushing (if requested), and as much or little handling as they desire.
Large individual cat suites with seclusion from dogs. Your cats will enjoy their own private bedroom with every comfort provided.
Auntie Linda’s spoils cats with their own 8×10 kitty suite. Each room is equipped with a window, soft blankets and beds and a cat tree. Only your cat(s) are in the suite. Each suite has a window, toys, tunnel, soft blankets, comfortable bed, and, in summer, a room air conditioner.
In addition to the cat boarding suites, there are several cat condos available for your pet(s). The condo has three shelves and room for a potty box and a bed in the bottom. (See example).

Cat Tips
It is usually a good idea to bring some of your kitty’s food depending on your kitty’s eating habits and preferences. Kirkland brand cat food is served by Auntie Linda’s.
Don’t forget any medications and special dietary supplements if any. There is no extra charge for this service.
Bring an itinerary with telephone numbers where you can be reached while you are away and/or the number of a local friend or family contact.